Dr M P Clarke (F) |
MRCGP, BM, BSc, DRCOG, DFSRH (GMC No 6100301) Registered 2004 (Southampton) |
Dr M R Farrington (M) |
BM, MRCGP (GMC No 4519720) Registered 1999 (Southampton) |
Dr A Kenchington (F) |
BMBS, MRCGP, BA (Hons) (GMC No 7522352) |
Dr L Pilbeam (F) |
MB ChB (GMC No 7597685) |
Dr S Morgan (M) |
BM (GMC No 3180820) |
Practice Management
Janette Hadley |
Practice Manager |
Bev Glass |
Deputy Manager |
Karen Wyatt |
Operations Manager |
Mandy |
Advanced Nurse Practitioner |
Louise |
Advanced Nurse Practitioner Hypertension and Child Safeguarding Lead |
Debbie |
Urgent Care Nurse |
Andrew |
Physicians Associate |
Louisa |
Paramedic |
Zoe |
Paramedic |
Jane |
Nurse Prescriber |
Lucy |
Diabetes & Cancer support |
Fiona |
Respiratory Lead |
Louise |
General nursing |
Laura |
General nursing |
Isla |
Emma |
Sue |
Jodi |
Pharmacy Clerk |
Emma |
Prescription Clerk |
Secretarial Team
Tracey |
Reception & Admin Supervisor |
The reception team deal with all enquiries. They are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the rest of the healthcare team.
When you book an appointment the receptionist will ask some questions about your problem so that they can get you treated by the best clincian.
Primary Care Network
The practice is part of the Gosport Primary Care Network (PCN). The PCN has staff that are attached to the practice to provide the following services:
First Contact Physiotherapists
Social Prescribers
Health and Wellbeing Coaches
Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician Support
For information about the Primary Care Network in the practice please see Primary Care Network
For information on the Network Staff working with the practice
First Contact Physiotherapists
Social Prescribing
Health and Wellbeing
Attached Staff
Community Nursing Team
The community nurses work with us helping patients who are unable to attend the surgery.
Health Visitors
Health visitors provide support for families with children under 5 years old.
The community midwives work at Gosport War Memorial Hospital Blake Ward.